The impact of the use of the Internet on the marketing of hate speech From the point of view of analysts, people with experience, relationship and technicians from different sectors of Jordanian society

The impact of the use of the Internet on the marketing of hate speech From the point of view of analysts, people with experience, relationship and technicians from different sectors of Jordanian society

The impact of the use of the Internet on the marketing of hate speech From the point of view of analysts, people with experience, relationship and technicians from different sectors of Jordanian society
Tayseer Muhammad Al-Afayshat , Thaher Radad Al-Qurashi
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2020, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 8-22
The study aimed to reveal the impact of the internet use of hate speech marketing. The researchers chose the study preview unit with experience and knowledge, university professors, journalists, political and social analysts and technicians from different segments of Jordanian society, who were completed their identification is based on an exploratory study carried out by the researcher before distributing the questionnaires of the study. A special questionnaire was designed for the purpose of collecting the study data according to the appropriate statistical methods. The study came out with a set of results, the most important of which are that the use of the Internet in all its dimensions had a high impact on the marketing of hate speech and all its components according to the unit opinion poll preview. The study also showed that the impact of the (degree of confidentiality) dimension was high, and it ranked first among the dimensions of using the Internet in influencing the marketing of hate speech. The study presented a set of recommendations including: establish laws and regulations that criminalize hate speech in all its forms and colors, and activate its implementation, monitor social media, determine the quality of the speech presented to it, and prosecute all those who encourage and communicate hate speech through it. Indeed, intensifying awareness campaigns about the danger of hate speech against society and immunizing individuals from listening to these speeches and what matters will lead to the event of their spread in societies of hatred, dispersal, disputes and wars through means of communication and media institutions, whether they are satellite channels or individuals. Moreover, the necessity of increasing the awareness of citizens through the support of all the formation and mentoring bodies that contribute to creating youth thought, starting from the family and passing through schools, friends and groups, preaching, religious and psychological guidance in places of worship, and holding conferences, seminars, and others.
Keywords :hate speech, internet use, service provision, clarity and security Metrics

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