The Exploitation of the Internet for the Academic Scientific Research in Al-Muthanna University

The Exploitation of the Internet for the Academic Scientific Research in Al-Muthanna University

baydaa hadi saoudi

Technical Institute / Samawah / Nursing Department


A hundred of questionnaire forms have been distributed for the Professors of Al- Muthanna university. We have received (96) forms that filled with information as a sample for our research in (2013-2014). The result is as follows: -The majority of the lecturers in Al-Muthanna university are under the age of (39).- The majority of them have the degree of Professor assistant. -They used the internet to help them to write their theses for master or PH.D .- The Professors wish they could publish their theses online . In our research , we concluded that (68.7%) of Professors who use the internet daily from their homes and they trust in (45.8%) of the information that they get from the internet . Regarding the others ,they are not trust the information on the internet because of the generality of the information . We also concluded that the majority of the professors use the internet more than(15 hour/week). Those Professors use the internet only to contact and communicate with their friends worldwide through the E-mails , came first . Second , is to get the information online. We summarized the obstacles that face the Professors in getting the information online in: there is no scientific information data base ,and this is the first concern.Second,the frequent internet access interruption


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