Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its impact on the efficiency and effectiveness for the system of self-assessment in taxation

Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its impact on the efficiency and effectiveness for the system of self-assessment in taxation

Muhammad Helu Daoud Al-Khurasan . Muhammad Helu Daoud Al-Khurasan . Muhammad Helu Daoud Al-Khurasan . Muhammad Helou Daoud Al-Khurasan . Mohammed Helou Daoud Khorassan,  Jaber Hussein Ali
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2013, Volume 3, Issue 7, Pages 34-49


The success of the tax system is subject to the possibility of its application in society, the success of state to choose its tax system depends on knowing full conditions of community economic, social and political according to the objectives it seeks to achieve, , therefore the tax studies is trying to upgrading work tax to the fullest by using modern scientific methods which reflects positively on the process of settling accounts tax, and provide better services for taxpayers to pay the tax, including the method of self-esteem, according to which the taxpayers provide financial statements, and are included with models organized by the tax administration, and then pay the amount of tax implications discharged directly according to income, which has specified designate. Coupled with this method and a system an audit effectively placed by the tax administration allows them to conduct post-audit (mostly) in the form of samples of taxpayers and this regulatory system safety valve controlled tax and deterrent for taxpayers who may resort some of them to tax evasion. The application of the system of self-assessment tax will shift to modernizing the tax reform, especially since this system application in the most states of world as it requires good accounting standards and monitoring systems and institutions accounting and auditing as well as honesty and trust. In this research will be linked application system of self-assessment, with the possibility to take advantage of the services provided by the Sarbanes – Oxley Sarbanes-Oxley and Mini (SOX), a U.S. law passed in July 2002, after the scandals and the collapse in corporate America as a result of cases of fraud and manipulation statements and the financial statements for those companies, through which was to identify indicators of internal control and that must be observed by all public and private companies in general


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