Measuring the Relationship Between the Content of Community Colleges’ Programs at King Khalid University and the Skills Required for the Labour Market and Their Impact on the Employment of Graduates: An Exploratory Study on a Sample of the Faculty Members of Those Colleges

Measuring the Relationship Between the Content of Community Colleges’ Programs at King Khalid University and the Skills Required for the Labour Market and Their Impact on the Employment of Graduates: An Exploratory Study on a Sample of the Faculty Members of Those Colleges

Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed Rahoumi a & Mohammed Abdul Kareem Al-Adawi b&   Abdul Rahim bin Saeed Al Sultan c

Community college – King Khalid university  Abha- KSA


This study aims to measure the relationship between the content of community colleges’ programs at King Khalid University and the skills required for the labour market and their impact on graduates’ employment. A questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the faculty members of community colleges at King Khalid University in a random sample method. The chosen sample size has covered (123) individuals. Questionnaire forms have been distributed and retrieved from (117) participants. Therefore, the estimated response has reached 95 % of the total sample size. The results of the study have shown a significant relationship between the programs of community colleges and the skills required for the labour market, while no relationship between the programs of community colleges at King Khalid University and the employment of graduates of those colleges. Moreover, there has been no relationship between the skills the graduate acquires and the employment requirements, that is, the skills that graduates of community colleges acquire do not affect the employment requirements. In addition, the skills required for the labour market do not mediate the relationship between colleges’ programs and the employment of graduates. So the study has recommended a review of the contents of those programs to develop the skills required for the labour market, and that the requirements and needs of implementing those programs should be reviewed including laboratories, materials, and other tools, in addition to that, to strengthen the partnership between community colleges and owners of the labour market in order to know the job requirements and the skills required for them.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 8-29


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