Impact of Privatization Programs on Indicators of Economic Development in the Countries of the Global South

Impact of Privatization Programs on Indicators of Economic Development in the Countries of the Global South

Haider Ismail Saleh
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2013, Volume 3, Issue 7, Pages 159-172


After nearly three decades of the path of privatization programs worldwide and the multiplicity of views between supporters and opponents of those policies , differed relics left by those programs in terms of gains and social impacts from state to state , which depends on a number of policies that the state must be pursued and notably the promotion of competition and the development of the regulatory framework for the Prevention of entities monopolistic and methods of selling public institutions must be transparent , in addition to design special programs to compensate the losers in the creation of public opinion as you can from accept that process economically and socially after decades of state control over economic activity, also, find a financial market is able to absorb the financial impact resulting from the privatization programs by providing the provision of adequate liquidity is one of the important things , as well as appropriate timing and speed of implementation, and it seems that countries that have not unlucky in this regard or that have faced difficulties and suffered crises led to the failure of that process (privatization) and exacerbate the negative effects of the deterioration in the standard of living , unemployment, poverty and inflation was caused by the lack of vision of the integrated nature and conditions of privatization as a result of some political elites and powerful of administrators and those responsible for the process to submit their personal interests to the interests of the people to realize the benefits of self .


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