Oil Sector In Iraq Between The Current Reality And Future Prospects

Oil Sector In Iraq Between The Current Reality And Future Prospects

Haydar Hussain Authafh
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences


The oil sector leads representatives Baaradath from oil exports play an important role in various economic activities in Iraq, and is a key factor and influential role in the national income and its distribution and its contribution in determining the investment and then to identify development trends. In addition, the oil exports an active role in the structure of foreign trade and its influence in the trade balance and the balance of payments current account through. Classified specialists Iraqi oil fields in the first place from the fields of global oil, in terms of lower production costs because of rough close to the surface and there are no obstacles geological, and that is one of the characteristics of encouraging investment in this sector, but the reality is the opposite, as Iraq has 73 oil fields not exploit them fully only 15 field which is equivalent to 14%, although that potential major oil looks Iraq’s oil energy code and limited the day desperately need to increase investment in order to increase the volume of production in order to commensurate with the attributes of the huge oil reserves.


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