Industrial Clusters Are the Strategic Choice to Achieve Sustainable Economic Development in Iraq

Industrial Clusters Are the Strategic Choice to Achieve Sustainable Economic Development in Iraq

Fatima Musheb Laftah *a        &   Wafa Ibrahim Askar b   &   Shaima Fadelc

University of Wasit  , college of Administration and Economics.


Industrial clusters represent one of the most important strategies put forward to achieve sustainable economic development In the countries of the world in general and in the Arab countries in particular.To follow the strategy of industrial clusters in Iraq It is one of the main factors in achieving sustainable economic development in Iraq  Because of the competitive advantages that can be achieved from following this strategyIn addition to its ability to generate revenues from various industrial sources Which means reducing the excessive dependence on oil revenues. As well as its contribution to getting rid of a number of economic, social, political and environmental problems That threatens the security and stability of Iraq.This is in addition to its contribution to diversifying the structure of the Iraqi economy and solving the growing unemployment problem in Iraq.


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