The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Supporting Economic Development With Special Reference to Iraq

The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Supporting Economic Development With Special Reference to Iraq

Leqaa shaker abood     *a       &      Omran abass yousif abd alaah b

Madenat Alelem University college / Department of accounting – College of economic and Rural / Department of economic.


The spread of information and communication technology has been linked to economic development due to the new development benefits that it has provided in terms of means and technologies and the services it is characterized by. This  has led to the consideration of information and communication technology as one of the basic pillars for achieving economic development in the era of the digital economy. Therefore, the research aimed at highlighting the role of information and communication technology in economic development and standing on the most important development gains achieved under it, studying the role of information and communication technology in promoting development in the Iraqi economy.  The research emphasizes that information and communication technology has great potential in achieving economic development that the Iraqi economy can benefit from and strengthening its development efforts.


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