Impact of trust funds on the financing of government institutions and the role of the accountant and internal auditor in liquidation An Applied Research at Al-Muthanna University

Impact of trust funds on the financing of government institutions and the role of the accountant and internal auditor in liquidation An Applied Research at Al-Muthanna University

waad Hadi Abdul Hassani
Al-Muthanna University, College of Administration and Economics


The research aims at clarifying the effect of accumulated balances on the amounts of funding and annual budget allocations by analyzing the financial data of the research sample and proposing procedures for the accountant and the internal auditor to limit the negative effects of balances on the accounts. The research reached some conclusions: Liquidation of balances of accounts of trusts during the year after a negative impact on the collection of annual funding amounts (i.e. the higher the percentage of liquidation increased the proportion of funding amounts from the allocations of the annual budget)and the existence of a positive relationship between the cash balance rounded and balances of the secretariats. The increase in the amount of collateral increased the amount of cash balance and impact negatively on the collection of all annual budget allocations.The study proposed some recommendations: activating the performance of the accountant and internal auditor in the liquidation of the balances of the accounts of trusts to reduce the negative impact on the collection of annual funding amounts. The accounting units should use the procedures proposed by the researcher in liquidating the balances of the secretaries. The accountant and the internal auditor must verify the amounts of the cash balance rounded up to cover all the amounts of the balances of the revolving funds so as not to double the negative effect. Deducting the cash balance from the allocations, the annual budget, and the second time when loading the burden of liquidating the amounts of collateral from the annual funding amounts.

DOI: 10.52113/6/2017-7-4/129-141

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