The Study and Analysis of the Iraqi Balance of Payment:2003-2018

The Study and Analysis of the Iraqi Balance of Payment:2003-2018

Muhammed Hassan Awda *a       &      Hussien Ali Ahmed b    & Ali Talib Shihab C

Albasrah University / College of Administration and Economics.


The balance of payment is considered as a window for the national economy toward the international economy. It is an essential statement of all economic transactions between the economy and other countries. It includes both debt and indebted articles. However, the balance of payment occupies a major importance on the domestic level for any country, where it reflects the production structure, and economic power and its competitiveness capacity. Moreover, it shows the extent of the economy interaction with the global progress of production power, in which the exports are source of foreign currencies that in turns used to meet the country imports and other foreign payments for the government and private sector.

Besides, the public budget, balance of payment and society economic activities were linked with the oil price. Therefore, the Iraqi economy is under a big deficit of its public budget and balance of payment. This led to reduce the currency reserves and mitigate the ability of the economy to manage it commitments, this has drove the economy to an economic and financial crisis from time to another.


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