Employing Crisis Management Capabilities to Reduce the Effects of Organizational Decline : The Interactive Role of Transformational Leadership

Employing Crisis Management Capabilities to Reduce the Effects of Organizational Decline : The Interactive Role of Transformational Leadership

Saleh A. Rashid      ,       Amer Ali Alatwi       ,      Ali Essam Alsoltane 

College of Administration and Economics/ Al-Qadisya University


The study examined the possibility of employing crisis management capabilities to reduce the effects of organizational decline, beside the interactive role of transformational leadership. It attempted to present a theoretical framework for the most important aspects of its variables, as well as an analytical framework for the opinions of 174 university leaders working in 21 private colleges in Baghdad, Babylon, Najaf and Thi Qar . The capabilities of crisis management were expressed as an independent variable through its three dimensions: organizational strategy, organization system, cultural factor, communication and execution. Transformational leadership on the other hand was expressed as an interactive dimensionless dependent variable with its four dimensions: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration, while the organizational decline was expressed as a one-dimensional variable. The researchers adopted a questionnaire as the main tool for measuring the variables of the study, which consists of three sections; the first section was devoted to measuring crisis management capabilities based on the scale developed by (Kim et al., 2008), the second section is devoted to measuring transformational leadership based on the scale developed by Kamola (2016), while the organizational decline was measured according to Cameron et al. 1987. With the adoption of a set of statistical tools, the study reached a number of conclusions; the most important one is the absence of a specialized crisis management unit at the level of colleges or universities. Crises are dealt through crisis management committees that are formed when sensing their occurrence. The study came out with a set of recommendations among them is the need to create a crisis management unit at the college level, or to form a crisis cell whose mission is to explore the early signs of crises in order to  to manage them in such a way that minimizes their negative effects.


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