Organizational Justice and Silence , Relationship and Impact : Study of a Sample of Individuals Working in the Directorate of Education Nineveh Province

Organizational Justice and Silence , Relationship and Impact : Study of a Sample of Individuals Working in the Directorate of Education Nineveh Province

Saga Natheer Hammed Al – Sarraf *

University of Mosul / Faculty of Management and Economics / Business Administration.


The decision of employees to withhold information, ideas and opinions is very important because they have negative effects on the performance of the employees and the organization together. In this regard, the relationship of organizational justice to the occurrence of organizational silence and the impact of organizational justice on organizational silence will be clarified. In this light, the following questions are considered :

1- Is it related to the achievement of organizational justice in the organization researched by the phenomenon of organizational silence?

2- Is there an effect of organizational justice on the occurrence of organizational silence in the sample?

To answer the research questions, a questionnaire has been prepared and distributed to the research sample of (125) individuals working in the Directorate of Education in Nineveh Governorate. Pearson, simple regression coefficient, determination coefficient( R2), coefficient of variation, test (T) to analyze the answers of the research sample. Several conclusions have been reached, the most important of which is the significant correlation between organizational justice and organizational silence. The results of the analysis also showed that organizational justice exerts a “moral” effect on the organizational silence. The research recommends that the organization’s management should develop special programs that allow individuals working to submit their suggestions, opinions and ideas to serve the organization. There should also be opportunities for communication between the administration and the individuals working in addition to the official channels of communication to transfer ideas and proposals from the bottom up.


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