In Light of the Volume of Foreign Direct Investment in Iraq and Algeria for the Period (2005–2012) Legislative Reforms and Realistic Statistics.

In Light of the Volume of Foreign Direct Investment in Iraq and Algeria for the Period (2005–2012) Legislative Reforms and Realistic Statistics.

Mohamed Hassan Rashem, Fadela Boutoura, Nofal Smiley

Al-Muthanna University/ College of Administration and Economics , University of Tebessa/ Algeria


The research deals with an important subject that is the nerve of the economic development of the country if there is a good investment legislation base. The research aims to shed light on the development of foreign direct investment in Algeria and Iraq through dealing with investment legislation and its role in attracting foreign investment. That the volume of foreign investment in both Iraq and Algeria is still below the required level because of the nature of investment legislation in both countries, as the proportion of foreign investment received for both countries of GDP is low , The research recommended the need to benefit from the succesed international experinces and regional laws in the field of investment and development to create a similar and competitive investment environment to attract players capable of contributing to economic development in Iraq and Algeria investment and boost growth in it.


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