The role of sovereign wealth funds in supporting the general budget of selected oil countries (Norway, Algeria).

The role of sovereign wealth funds in supporting the general budget of selected oil countries (Norway, Algeria).

Aqil Hamid Jaber Al-Helou, Zainab Shaker Jubeir

Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics


This study try to analysis “the role of sovereign wealth funds in supporting the budget of selected countries with the possibility of applying them in Iraq”, The study was based on the hypothesis that “sovereign wealth funds work to support the public budget when fluctuations in oil prices occur, especially in oil-producing countries (Algeria and Norway), but the amount of support achieved varies according to the economic system of both countries and the manner in the allocation and management of assets of their sovereign fund. The study sample includes the two countries (Norway and Algeria) highlighting the role of the Norwegian Global Government Pension Fund and the role of the Algerian Resources Fund Their support for the public budget of the two countries that they sample of study, The study was based on an analysis of the financial ratios related to the analysis of the budgets of both countries and the role of the sovereign fund in supporting them, The most important conclusion of the study is that the fundamental difference between the Norwegian and Algerian experience is the method used to manage the oil revenues and the objective that you wish to achieve. The Norwegian Pension Fund takes into account in achieving its objectives the nature of the oil wealth and its limited age and the effects of fluctuations in prices in the oil market. As well as the effect of increased spending of oil surpluses on other economic sectors. The Algerian Resource Control Fund neglected all these aspects and focused on achieving financial stability by covering the deficit of the public treasury and then the public budget is important The size of the shortfall, which led to increased public spending, which in turn led to a growing budget deficit gap year after year.


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