Bank liquidity and its impact on unemployment in Iraq for the period 2004-2016.

Bank liquidity and its impact on unemployment in Iraq for the period 2004-2016.

Ghassan Tariq Zaher, Salam Hashem Muhammad

Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics


Institutions play an intermediary role between the total savings and investments, ie between the applicants and those who oppose the money. Perhaps the problem is due to the complex structure of the credit policies of commercial banks and their relationship with economic variables. The reasons for the imbalance between the work of commercial banks and the rest of the real economic sectors can be attributed to the concept of liquidity management. The problem of liquidity and its management of complex phenomena because it is characterized by rapid changes in keeping with economic changes as well as their sensitivity to severe changes in security and social, and was not relying on the standard method in the analysis Ah Using both E-Views and mntab-v14. Therefore, the subject of the study is summarized in the statement of what liquidity and theories explained to them as well as the statement of its impact on unemployment , As the Iraqi economy is witnessing a crisis of acute liquidity has negatively affected unemployment due to the political and security reasons as well as the failure of the credit policy of commercial banks in Iraq, as these banks have seen high levels of liquidity (savings) up to very high levels, in the presence of opportunities The profitability of acceptable returns can be utilized in the development of economic sectors in Iraq as well as the use of these banks to rely on granting long-term credits for consumption purposes, which made a gap between consumer spending and investment spending, which is called the gray area as a result of Pro A phenomenon that exceeds the consumption pattern of the public and private sectors and the decline in the investment pattern.


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