The Role of Job Immersion in Explaining the Relationship Between Job Resources and the Quality of Banking Service an Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Workers in Government Commercial Banks in the Governorate of Al-Muthanna.

The Role of Job Immersion in Explaining the Relationship Between Job Resources and the Quality of Banking Service an Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Workers in Government Commercial Banks in the Governorate of Al-Muthanna.

Amer Ali Hussein Al-Atwi, Zina Faleh Hamid

Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics


The present study aims at finding out the effect of job resources on the quality of banking services and job engement in a sample of employees of government commercial banks in Al-Muthanna Governorate, which amounted to (133) employee with different degrees of education and administrative positions. The indicators or dimensions of the job resources were reflected in feedback, worker autonomy and perceived social support. The study hypothesizes that job resources affect the quality of banking service through the intermediary role job engagement. The study used to test hypotheses a set of appropriate statistical tools represented by the simple correlation factor and structural modeling equation approach. The results proved the validity of most hypotheses. The researcher reached a number of important conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which is the use of the resources of the job to measure the quality of banking service.


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