Total Quality and Its Role in Improving the Operational Performance of Employees 2017–2018.

Total Quality and Its Role in Improving the Operational Performance of Employees 2017–2018.

Qasim Muhammad Al-Enezi, Hassanein Hussain, hatef

University of Kufa/ College of Administration and Economics


The aim of the study is to identify the principles of comprehensive quality management and their impact as a platform for improving the operational performance of personnel working in the interior of Al-Muthanna University. It has been launched from the knowledge aspects of comprehensive quality management and its role in improving performance. The study was intended to illustrate the extent to which the operationalization of the principles of comprehensive quality management would affect employees, and the extent to which internal section management was committed to its application as it was important to increase the satisfaction of students living in internal sections, and the researcher had used the analytical descriptive approach using the SPSS, designed to identify For this purpose, it was distributed to a sample of 52 individuals, including (Director, assistants, staff and supervisors of the interior), from 40 individual units in the intentional sampling method. The results indicated a statistically significant relationship between the principles of comprehensive quality management in their dimensions (senior management support, customer focus, education and training, continuous improvement, fact-based decision-making) as an independent variable, and improved operational performance in its dimensions (efficiency Operational, administrative services, job satisfaction) for the two years in the interior departments at Al-Muthanna University. The research included some recommendations, most notably; the need to work with the principles of TQM to improve the performance of employees in the internal departments at the University of Muthanna, and work to overcome obstacles.


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