Regulatory and supervisory framework to reduce the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption

Regulatory and supervisory framework to reduce the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption

Dr.Mohamad Mahmod-Dr.Asaad Ghani

University of Al-Muthanna College of Administration and Economics


Economic and social development resulting from them, and then finding practical mechanisms (administrative and regulatory) are effective to control and minimize its negative impacts on society. Administrative and financial corruption phenomenon as old as human societies and their political systems, as they are not concerned with the people or the country or culture, and one without the other, but the size and the level and type vary from one society to another according to the data many as a rule the dominant (democratic, dictatorial), culture, social structure, justice, the dominant values, side effects and how to deal with the phenomenon and the corrupt. That the fight against corruption requires of academic and professional bodies to shed light on this phenomenon, first raised by the statement and the negative politicalThe main objective of the research is to develop a management framework – a control to reduce the phenomenon of administrative and financial corruption in the Iraqi environment to help government agencies in particular regulatory and community in general in the prevention and detection of corruption cases that occur in the government sector to expect that achieved by the proposed framework of the positive effects in the application laws, regulations, instructions, and achieve the highest degree of transparency

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