Measure Impact and the Degree of Responding to among International Reserves and some of Macroeconomic Indicators in Iraq the Period (2003-2016)

Measure Impact and the Degree of Responding to among International Reserves and some of Macroeconomic Indicators in Iraq the Period (2003-2016)

Maiami Salal Sahib
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2018, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 173-185


The International Reserves considered as one of the vital variables that has an Active Role in National Economy, and it is considered as tools or Mechanisms use in Achieving internal economical stabilizing , through Equilibrium in the Balance of Payment or Exchange Rate, as well as their contribution in the Equilibrium of Internal .Tended many Countries to Configure Huge International Reserves with Proper Control on it Quantities and Keep the optimal level of these reserves, in order to Avoid the External Shocks of Economy and Pay International Obligations , The subject of this study is to examine the economic factors or influences through which control or influence on the level of international reserves in Iraq and try to identify the appropriate policy to manage these reserves can effectively perform their role.


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