The Role of the Use of Time-series Forecasting in the Number of Health Institutions Customer’s to Achieve Spatial Development. “Applied Research in the Department of Health Diwaniya

The Role of the Use of Time-series Forecasting in the Number of Health Institutions Customer’s to Achieve Spatial Development. “Applied Research in the Department of Health Diwaniya

Salah Sahib Shaker al-Baghdadi
University College of Heritage


The time series approach of the statistical methods worthwhile, and could be used to expect in the future, depends style of time-series analysis to track the phenomenon or variable over a certain time (several years), the research aims to custom concept of time series and its role in future planning to achieve a balance in the distribution the resources available to achieve the spatial development, and achieve the goals of research were selected government primary health care centers in the province of Diwaniyah, They found a set of conclusions most importantly, the emergence of well-developed regions and less, socially, culturally, economically developed, focusing economic activity and services in just a few areas which increases the migration to these areas and make them more attractive to residents and developed than other areas .Find a set of recommendations which, equitable distribution of resources Lima fits with population density and geographic expanse of the population. The use of modern statistical methods as a way the general trend and the linear regression equation to predict the future needs of the provision being more accurate than traditional methods.

Doi: 10.52113/6/2017-7-2/178-189

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