Determinants of Domestic Savings in Iraq for the Period (2003-2019)

Determinants of Domestic Savings in Iraq for the Period (2003-2019)

Faiza Hassan Mosachet &  Ban Yaseen Maki


Saving is one of the most important economic topics that have taken a large space in economic studies because of its great impact on all activities of the economy, in addition to that it is the main pillar from which investment in all fields stems. 2003-2009) by measuring the impact of these factors, which were represented in the gross domestic product, inflation rate, consumption in addition to the interest rate. The research found a relationship and a significant impact of these variables on the volume of local savings in Iraq. The research also recommended the need to follow all the ways that would encourage individuals to rationalize consumption as well as raise awareness and cultivate confidence in the banking system and various financial institutions in a way that contributes to increasing the volume of these savings.

Keywords: Saving, Interest Rate, Gross Domestic Product, Consumption, Inflation

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-2/129-142


Categories: Uncategorized