The role of small and medium industries in achieving economic development: case study of Iraq

The role of small and medium industries in achieving economic development: case study of Iraq

The role of small and medium industries in achieving economic development: case study of Iraq
Suad Jawad Kadem
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 118-135
Emphasis is on the role of small and medium industries as a most effective style in moving the semi-skilled and unskilled workforce towards the industrialization process. This comes to coincide with the attention usually given to the two issues of providing opportunities for individuals, who have a relatively high skill, and the expansion of industrial development in the economy to include all areas. This will be followed by many questions regarding both setting the precise limits for small and medium industries to distinguish them from large industries and the relationship of the size of the institution to the relative intensity of the production component on the one hand, and the efficiency of the use of the inputs on the other hand. All these reasons will provide a comprehensive picture of the small industries in their structural relationships with site considerations and institutional arrangements
Keywords : small industries, Medium industries, economic development, Skilled power, industrial development.


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