• Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences

    Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences (MJAES) is being published 2011 by college of Administration and Economics and it is covered by Al Muthanna University.

  • Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences

    Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences (MJAES) is being published 2011 by college of Administration and Economics and it is covered by Al Muthanna University.

Submission fees

Submission fees: Free (without any costs)

The Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences (MJAES) is – Open Access (OA) Journal.


All the content is regularly peer reviewed before publication whereas the index is checked through anti-plagiarism software ‘Turnitin‘. It is also being indexed in national and international databases/resources.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences (MJAES)

MJAES depending on a separate independent archiving across Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals, in addition to publishing and archiving the articles via the official website/Archives section.

– Plagiarism checked with Turnitin

– Submission fees: Free (without any costs)

All the content is regularly peer reviewed before publication whereas the index is checked through anti-plagiarism software ‘Turnitin‘. It is also being indexed in national and international databases/resources.

Copyright / Open Access

Articles published in MJAES will be Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The copyright is retained by the author(s).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Link

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences (MJAES) is being published 2011 by college of Administration and Economics and it is covered by Al Muthanna University.

Publisher: Al Muthanna University.

Society/Institution: Al Muthanna University, College of Administration and Economics.

Address: Iraq – Samawa (Muthanna) – Al Muthanna University, College of Administration and Economics.

The international number of MJAES are:
PISSN :2226-1419
EISSN: 2572-5386

The Journal is quarterly published every three months and four issues per year.

MJAES deal with:

all disciplines of Administration, Economics, Accounting, and Statistics including exact areas in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Human Capital Management, Management Information Systems, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Public Administration, Governance, and Statistics. In addition, it welcomes all analytical and empirical research studies and applied and field studies and evaluation of cognitive styles and concepts and comparative studies and case studies.

The Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economics Sciences (MJAES) is – Open Access (OA) Journal.

Open Access stands for unrestricted access and unrestricted reuse. With Open Access, researchers can read and build on the findings of others without restriction.

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Journal Articles

The role of bank credit granted to the private sector in eliminating the problem of poverty in iraq For the period (2004-2020)

The role of bank credit granted to the private sector in eliminating the problem of poverty in iraq For the period (2004-2020)

Abstract The research aims to analyze the credit policy of Iraqi commercial banks by investigating […]

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Measuring the impact of oil shocks on the gross domestic product and its development impact in iraq

Measuring the impact of oil shocks on the gross domestic product and its development impact in iraq

Abstract The fluctuations in oil prices and the emergence of the oil shock created burdens […]

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News & Events

Indexed in

Journal Information
Publisher: Al-Muthanna University 
E-mail: mjaes@muthjaes.net 
Editor-in-chief: Assist. Prof. Dr. Saad Majeed Al-Janabi 
Managing Editor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hayder Hussein Odhafah 
Print ISSN: 2226-1419 
Online ISSN: 2572-5386 
تنويه: لأرسال مبالغ نشر البحوث تكون طريقة الارسال على رمز محفظة زين كاش (07905626439) من داخل العراق حصراً , ‏ولارسال المبالغ من خارج العراق يكون الدفع عبر‎ ‎
Western Union
إلى السيد أ.م.د. حيدر حسين عذافة
يتم إخطار المجلة بالتأكيد برقم التحويل السري‎.‎