The role of marketing information systems in promoting knowledge management : An analytical survey of a sample of workers in Carrefour / Duhok

The role of marketing information systems in promoting knowledge management : An analytical survey of a sample of workers in Carrefour / Duhok



This study aims to identify the role that the marketing information system plays in its dimensions (internal records system, market research system, marketing intelligence system, marketing decision support system) in enhancing knowledge management for organizations in order to achieve communication and success. This requires them to have knowledge of management in order to contain and understand The totality of the changes that surround it. The marketing information systems today represent the informational cover to accommodate the environmental changes that link the organization with its external and internal environment, thus leading it to the correctness of its approved decisions.The research problem was identified based on an extrapolation of the reality of the researched organization and through the field study conducted by the researcher, where the researcher found a marked weakness in the practices of using marketing information systems, which was reflected in enhancing knowledge in the researched organization. Marketing workers in the Carrefour Duhok organization) were selected as a research community, and a group of workers was randomly selected as a sample for the research. The researcher approved the questionnaire after ensuring its validity and stability as a main tool for collecting field side data. The five-point Likert scale was used to measure the research variables, and the primary data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Applications (SPSS) and the following statistical methods were used (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and weighted mean And multiple simple correlation coefficient and simple and multiple regression.The study was reinforced by a set of hypotheses that were tested through a set of statistical analyzes that reflected the reality of those hypotheses, positive or negative, to reach a conclusion that supports the main hypotheses of the research.The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was that the marketing intelligence system dimension did not take a sufficient role in comparison with other dimensions, and this indicates a weak relative orientation towards this dimension.Consistent with the content of the conclusions, the researcher came up with a set of recommendations, the most important of which was, the organization should enhance the dimension of marketing intelligence systems, especially with regard to the need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors more in order to enhance its competitive position in the market compared to its competing organization.

Mohammed Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Hamami *

University of Mosul /College of Administration and Economics.


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