The Private Sector in Al-Muthanna Governorate and Its Role in the Economic Development Process for the Period 2009 – 2018

The Private Sector in Al-Muthanna Governorate and Its Role in the Economic Development Process for the Period 2009 – 2018

Ameen Fahad Chayed *a & Jawaher Dahham Abdullahb & Hussein kamil Aredc

Al Muthanna Education Directorate.

Technical Institute / Samawah.

Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics.


Economic development is a major means of promoting economic reality, activating economic movement in Muthanna governorate, changing the living reality of the population and creating necessary development in various fields through the effective role of the private sector in this regard. The research aims to demonstrate the reality of economic development in Al-Muthanna governorate, its importance, the extent of the private sector’s contribution to it, identifying the most important challenges and obstacles to promote economic development, and attempting to find solutions to support the private sector and achieve economic development through analyzing data for some economic indicators. The research has reached a set of conclusions that confirm that the governorate contains great and varied potentials, and the private sector in recent years has contributed to promoting economic development in Al-Muthanna Governorate, even if by a small percentage, by contributing to GDP, providing employment opportunities for the unemployed and establishing the necessary industries needed by the governorate. Further support for the private sector should be done, and the task of investors should be facilitated in legal, administrative and environmental terms, and the existing potential and investment opportunities should be used to advance the economic reality of conservation and to bring a positive change.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 154-164


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