Role of Talent Management in Educational Service Quality:  an Exploratory Study in Sumer University

Role of Talent Management in Educational Service Quality:  an Exploratory Study in Sumer University

Abbas Awaid Abdul Hussein*a      &     Hussam Ali Muhaibis b

a University of Baghdad/College of Administration and Economics.


The current research aims to identify the extent of the impact of talent management strategies by its dimensions (Attracting talent, Talent performance management. Talent development, Talent retention) as an independent variable in the quality of educational service by its dimensions (tangibility, efficiency, behavioral attitude, content (curriculum), connectivity, reliability) as a dependent variable in Sumer University. In order to come up with appropriate mechanisms and suggested recommendations to contribute in enhancing the quality of educational service in the research organization, and based on the importance of the research topic in governmental organizations and its prominent role that the researched organization plays in the community, the descriptive and analytical approach was adopted in carrying out the research. The research included university leaderships of Sumer University ( The President of the University and his assistants, the deans of the colleges and their assistants, the heads of scientific departments). The data was collected from (33) respondents who are considered as the community of the study. The questionnaire was also relied on in the data collection process, which included (44) indicators. In addition to relying on personal interviews to collect data. The research adopted (SPSS V.23), (Excel 2010), as well as the  descriptive statistics methods (arithmetic mean, now Standard deviation, simple linear regression, coefficient of determination (R2), relative importance, Pearson correlation coefficient). The most iportant results of the research were the validity of the main and sub-research hypotheses. This indicates that talent management is directly related to the quality of educational service and has a significant positive effect on the quality of the educational service.


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