الاقتصاد المعرفي والاستثمار برأس المال البشري ومسارات التحول نحو الجامعة المنتجة دراسة استشرافية الجامعات الاهلية العراقية

الاقتصاد المعرفي والاستثمار برأس المال البشري ومسارات التحول نحو الجامعة المنتجة دراسة استشرافية الجامعات الاهلية العراقية


Investing in human capital plays an important role in economic development and in productive universities in particular, through the minds and trained workers that have accumulated over time, because it is able to increase productivity, improve job opportunities, and raise the quality level of social and economic life, and with the emergence of the role of universities that have become a center It is important in presenting ideas and proposals for investment in human capital, as education, training, research and development have become an essential source of progress and development. Hence, the importance of the study shows the relationship between human capital investment and productive universities. Economic development in Iraq.

مجلة المثنى للعلوم الادارية والاقتصادية, 2024,المجلد 1, العدد 1, الصفحات 259-284


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