The psychological and pragmatic consequences of boycotting the workplace and its impact on employee performance A field study of a sample of government institutions in Diwaniyah Governorate

The psychological and pragmatic consequences of boycotting the workplace and its impact on employee performance A field study of a sample of government institutions in Diwaniyah Governorate

Amer Ali Hussein Al Atawi
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2017, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 8-35


The present research aims to study the psychological (job burnout) and pragmatic (access to power) consequences of workplace ostracism and explain its reflection on job performance level of a sample of employees at set of governmental directorates in Diwaniyah province (specifically 198 employees). The sample involved college of economics and administration in Qadisiya university, the general directorate of education, directorate of health and directorate of municipalities. The study hypothesized that workplace ostracism increase level of job burnout and reduces level of access to power. In addition, the study supposed that job burnout and access to power mediate the relationship between workplace ostracism and job performance. A questionnaire, which are designed by previous studies, was used to collect the study data. The study findings conformed the hypothesis and according to these findings a set of important recommendations were formulated. Key words: Workplace Ostracism, Job Burnout, Power, Job Performance

Doi: 10.52113/6/2017-7-3/8 -35
Categories: Uncategorized